Make Sure Your Business Is Prepared With Routine Facility Maintenance

Routine Facility Maintenance

According to Statista, almost 35% of business owners have over 20 buildings to maintain. Are you in the maintenance business? Then you should make building facility maintenance a higher priority than ever! But how can you possibly manage so many buildings at once? Answer: Work order software. Read on to find out how to prepare your business with routine facility maintenance! What is Work…

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Tips for an Eco-Friendly Facility

Eco-Friendly Facility TIPS

Tips For An Eco-Friendly Facility One of the biggest obstacles many businesses face when going green is the perception that it will be cost-prohibitive. Many facility managers believe that taking steps to become environmentally responsible will hurt their company’s profitability and dull its competitive edge. Although it’s true that some environmentally conscious efforts can be…

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What You Need To Know About Facility Management Automation

Facility Management Automation

Automation has become a boogeyman of sorts in many industries. There is a fear that it will destroy jobs or that managers will become too reliant on easy fixes. Most of this is untrue. Today we will discuss facility management automation and how it can help your business do the exact opposite of these fears.…

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Challenges Facility Managers of Solar Powered Facilities Face In 2018

Landport- Solar Powered Facilities

As renewable energy continues to show promising development and technological advances that are currently helping the industry reinvent itself, the solar power industry continues its growth as a booming energy sector. One crucial consideration for facilities that either partially or fully utilize solar power in their operations is the way these solar powered facilities utilize strong…

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The Pioneering Market Leaders of Online Work Order Management In The News Again

Landport X1 Work Order Management Software

For over 20 years, Landport Systems has lead the way in innovation and customer satisfaction when it came to online work order management and facility management software solutions. And, with the recent improvements and continued strides to break geographic boundaries as well as digital simplicity, Landport Systems finds themselves making news again. Recent news publications…

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How facility management can reduce stress in the work place

Landport software reduces stress

The challenge to find ways facility management can reduce stress on personnel is a growing concern This article will highlight not only how facility management can reduce stress, but why its important to do so. According to The American Institute of Stress (AIS), job stress is the leading source of stress for working adults today, and…

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6 Tips When Researching Strong CMMS Software Options

Landport Systems CMMS research

Researching benefits of numerous CMMS Software Options and Work Order Management Solutions doesn’t have to be a painful journey. When a business experiences equipment failure or inventory deficiencies within its own business assets that can be frustrating enough, but when the business’ client calls about equipment failures, technology challenges, damaged product due to facility failures…

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Top Five Challenges of Busy Facility Managers

Facility Management Focus with Landport Systems

Busy Facility Managers have a lot to juggle throughout the day and cannot always track employee or contractor productivity or efficiency easily. But, there are things you can do as a facility manager to help overcome the most common reasons for a lack of proper time management of employees and contractors in the field. Landport…

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How to Aid Your Employees in the Field

landport workflow app

Your employees and contractors are in the trenches everyday on your behalf. So, what’s the best way for you to support their efforts? Aid employees in the field with better communication systems. Businesses are routinely looking for better ways of improving lines of communication between departments, staff and even consumers as well as increasing productivity…

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Simple Tips to Save on Your Energy Bills

Facility Management Tips Your energy bills are most likely one of your highest expenses at your facility, which can make it very difficult to stick to your budget. While there is no way to completely eliminate all of your energy costs, there are steps that you can take to keep the cost as low as…

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