The Key Benefits of Adopting Proactive Maintenance Management

Proactive Maintenance Management

Every institution has assets or systems that ease its smooth running. For these assets to remain in tip-top shape, an adequate approach to maintenance is needed. There are four primary approaches to asset maintenance management: Reactive Predictive Preventative Proactive Though every maintenance approach has its perks, the proactive approach complements the other methods. Thus it…

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4 Ways to Take Control of Your Maintenance Management Budget with Work Order Software

Better Maintenance Management

When you’re putting together a maintenance budget for a home, the rule of thumb is to calculate one dollar for every square foot. When you’re handling maintenance at a commercial facility or industrial site, you should expect to pay several times more than that. Given all the foot traffic and various needs on site, maintenance…

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3 Challenges Facility Management Software Can Overcome

Landport - Facility Management Software

There are Three Challenges an Apartment Building Manager Can Overcome with a Strong Facility Management Software Solution Somewhere in America, as you read this, a manager is discovering a meth lab on their property. Wrong, yes, but not the weirdest. A manager in California sent an inspector to a resident for routine maintenance. Finding a…

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8 Skills Every Maintenance Manager Should Have

Landport - maintenance manager

As a maintenance manager or facility management professional, you possess technical skills to perform and oversee the job. You know asset management; you’re familiar with the equipment and hopefully, possess a wealth of technical expertise in your chosen field. However, when you’re in a management position, you need additional soft skills and people skills to…

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