Wave Goodbye to Work Worries During Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness MonthUse these top tips to combat your stress during April’s Stress Awareness Month!

During this fast-paced, laser-focused age of juggling work, family, friends, and errands, much of the general public are not winding down.

April, nationally known as Stress Awareness Month, is dedicated to shining a light on how stress can be detrimental to people’s health, lives, and career. Stress can be the cause of many health issues ranging from depression, high blood pressure, weight gain, acne, and heart disease.

Three out of four American workers report stress on the job. For those every three people, use these tips to beat work stress and excel your successful career!

Sleep well – A lack of sleep can impact cognitive performance, such as our attention and working memory, research shows. As we juggle work and home life, a full 8 hours of sleep is highly recommended.

Gain balance – From eating balanced (and regular!) meals, to regularly exercising, you can reduce stress and trips to the doctor, as well as costly outlays to operate more efficiently on and off the job.

Learn to say no – You may want to be in everyone’s good books in the office, but learning only to manage what you can handle is essential. Stop saying ‘yes’ to taking tasks off other peoples’ plates and becoming overwhelmed in the process.

Make tasks – Whether you have a calendar, a To-Do list for the day, or a checklist for the week, getting organized will mean that you’re properly equipped and mentally prepared for the work ahead!

Always take your lunch break – Working through your lunch hour may seem like a good idea, but we don’t work best in one lump sum. Taking frequent breaks actually improves our task completion and a walk in the fresh air always helps!

Put it in perspective – No, the world won’t end if you forget to send an email, and no, your career does not define your life. Ensure that you can separate your work life to the rest of your life by making time for yourself.

Pace yourself – It’s easy to feel the pressure of work and home, but scheduling time for even little things and setting realistic time frames can reduce the buildup of stress

As a building manager or a facility owner, you may be overwhelmed with what’s on your plate. Fortunately, Landport Systems can aid your building safety and staff communication! For all of your property management needs, contact us in Walnut Creek, California!