Your web browser does not have the JavaScript feature enabled which is
required in order to use this site. To proceed, enable JavaScript and
then go to the login page The Landport system
uses Javascript in order to make the system easier to use.
To enable JavaScript, do the following :
Netscape 4.x : Select "Preferences" from the "Edit" pull down menu. Click on
"advanced". Then select the box that is marked "JavaScript". Save your settings
by clicking the "OK" button.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x - Select "Internet options" from the "tools"
menu bar. Select the "Security" tab and select "custom level". Scroll down
and make sure that the "scripting->active scripting" and
"scripting->enable java applets" are both enabled.
Enter invitation code
Welcome to Landport. In order to register
to the Landport system, you must supply an invitation code. If you do not
yet have an invitation code, you may request one by contacting
Landport sales at [email protected]