4 Ways to Take Control of Your Maintenance Management Budget with Work Order Software

Better Maintenance Management

When you’re putting together a maintenance budget for a home, the rule of thumb is to calculate one dollar for every square foot. When you’re handling maintenance at a commercial facility or industrial site, you should expect to pay several times more than that. Given all the foot traffic and various needs on site, maintenance…

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Common Emergency Building Maintenance Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Building Maintenance Management Software

The 3 am wake-up call is often a reality for facility managers.  Only 6% of companies have a well-established maintenance department. Yet maintenance issues threaten the very existence of a business. Building maintenance managers need to prepare themselves for a wide range of emergencies that could occur at any hour. To do that, they need to…

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How to Choose a Work Order Management Software

Landport - work order management software

If your business can’t process large amounts of data exactly when you need it while keeping track of existing relationships, you’ve got yourself a problem. The success of your business depends on how quickly you can take care of work orders and how flexible your customer service is. More and more companies are using work…

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Landport is Breaking Down Walls For Facility Managers Across The Globe!

Landport Facility Manager Software Leaders

Why is Landport Considered the Industry-Leader in Work Order Software for Property & Facility Managers? Our new, simplified CMMS (computerized maintenance management system) software solution, X1, is quick and easy to setup and use, but that’s just the beginning!    It’s no mistake that thousands of companies trust Landport Systems to help them free up…

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Meet X1 From The Leaders in Online Work Order Management

Landport X1

Did you miss the BIG NEWS? Landport System has officially rolled out their new Landport X1 software! The exciting new version of Landport’s award winning work order management system is a giant leap forward in the user experience.  Founded in the Silicon Valley, Landport Systems, Inc. has been a pioneer and market leader in online…

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