Emergency Preparedness Tips For All

Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Preparing for a Disaster

While there is no way to know when a disaster is coming, being prepared can help to ensure that you stay safe. Keep these tips in mind to ensure that you stay safe in your personal life and as a facility manager, no matter what kind of disaster hits.

  • Create an emergency kit โ€“ an emergency kit is one of the most important parts of your preparedness plan. Your kit should include non-perishable food, extra warm clothes or blankets, water, first aid supplies, flashlights, and batteries. You should also make sure to keep extra medication in your emergency kit in case you are not able to get into your home after a disaster.
  • Inform your family โ€“ everyone in your family should know where your emergency kit is. It can also benefit your family to create their own individual emergency kits that are kept in the bedrooms so that everyone can do their part to bring important materials.
  • Remember your pets โ€“ your pets can get very stressed out and scared during a disaster. Make sure that your emergency kit includes food for your pets, as well as a leash or collapsible carrier to keep them safe. You may also want to include a toy to help keep them calm.
  • Create a plan โ€“ a well-practiced plan can be the difference between getting out safely and efficiently in comparison to scrambling to get out and barely making it. Create an evacuation plan and practice it a few times a year to help ensure that everyone stays safe.

As a facility manager, you have a lot of responsibility to ensure that all of your employees and tenants stay safe. Creating a plan of how to manage a disaster can help to keep everyone safe. Knowing what disasters can happen and how to effectively respond to the emergency is the best way to make sure everyone stays calm and unhurt.

Contact Landport Systems for all of your work order, preventive maintenance and emergency preparedness needs. We are well-aware of the issues and can help you create a plan to keep your employees and property safe.