How to Plan Your Next Hazard Assessment

Hazard Assessment Tips

As a facility manager, safety should be one of your top priorities. You are responsible for the well-being and safety of everyone in the building, whether they are tenants or staff. The first step in making sure that your property is safe is identifying all potentially dangerous situations. Keep these tips in mind to help you better design a hazard assessment for your facility.

  • Learn the history โ€“ figure out what problems your property has experienced in the past by looking at old accident reports. Looking at all reports can help you discover certain patterns that may alert you to a problem areas on the property. It can also show any areas of the facility that may be more prone to dangers due to issues in the past.
  • Bring in help โ€“ when safety is involved, you want to make sure that you do not miss anything. Bringing in help can ensure that nothing is missed during your inspection. The more people that are looking at a specific area, the less likely it is that a serious issue will be missed.
  • Record all findings โ€“ all potential safety hazards should be written down and shared with the entire maintenance team. This is especially important for larger facilities since it can help to increase the efficiency of hazard assessment.
  • Make sure everyone is on board โ€“ even though hazard assessment is a specific task, all building administrators and facility managers should be on board with the plan. All other employees and tenants should feel safe knowing that safety is a main priority, and that risk management is incorporated into every department.

For all of your property management and workflow needs to ensure that your facility is running efficiently and safely, contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California.